Sunday, March 15, 2009

Careful with that axe, Eugene

I am afraid of monumental people, of the people who have no doubts, only certainties. It is in my nature to question things, but I try to do it humbly. If it happens to run into an answer, then I try to understand it as being limited to myself, to my own Weltanschauung. I can share it, naturally, but I do not walk around with a Bible in my hand trying to teach THE TRUTH to the barbarians. I don't believe in pyres for the unfaithful and in knives sharpen to cut the flesh which shows the signs of the devil. You doubt, hence you sin. Death to the post-modernists!

The monumental people are those who naturally take the position of judge and executioner. You ask them to evaluate, they do not give you back their opinion but the truth. The one and only, absolute truth. And if you dare to doubt, like you are doubting everything else, the wig flies and the axe is brought to front. You were judged and sentenced for infidelity.

They do not look at the details unless the details help them sentence you. However, the rituals have to be followed to the letter. A "Thank you" has to be said in a certain moment, on a certain tone - there are no implicit 'thank you's, just the loud, spoken, ritualized ones.

Mistake does not belong to their vocabulary. If, by some god-like act, you manage to make them see they have made a mistake, then they will quickly find the circumstances and blame it on them. The most common - you made me do it, with your behaviour. The unsaid 'you deserve it' lurks in the corner, for you to see it without the living monument having to say it out loud.

What confuses them most is playing. If you play around them, with them... they start getting lost and doubting the marble of their own impost. Hence, their first task is to kill the playing from the roots. You laugh when you should cry - let me twist the knife till you finally cry. What the hell, we live by the rules here... And they will end up making you cry - they are made of a tougher substance than you and you will cry hitting your head onto the wall of their certainties.

Welcome to our museum.

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