Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What is a blog supposed to be about?

Last night at 3 am it seemed like a good idea to get myself a blog. Tonight it looks a bit different and I wouldn't know where to start. They say the first posting is always bad, so I'd better keep it short. And preferably make some sense, but this is the hard part.

Owh well... I peaked into other blogs and I ended up more confused than I started. No scientific method will help me write this thing and make it "my own". Maybe indivduality is over-rated recently... we have the feeling that we are writing unique things but in the end we are just reinventing the wheel. Or maybe it is my own short-coming and I fail to see the personal touch. Hard to say, but the feeling of "what on Earth am I supposed to write here?" is more and more acute.

Probably the complete freedom puzzles me. Or again, being able to write whatever I want, I find it hard to establish a hierarchy of important things and to write about them. I found blogs about food, about politics, about music... Yeah, I might have something to say about each of them and about many others, but I feel no expert into any of these (well, I'm no expert into anything if I think about it well enough). Of course, I am not supposed to be an expert but to have a personal view of the world. And to put this personal view into the net shop-window and wait for others to "buy" my thoughts and give me feedback. Which will, eventually and supposedly, make me a better person, or empty my frustrations in a virtual sack displayed in the eyes of anonymous readers. One out of two, or something else.

I finally know what I want to say. Be it the first of many posts or just the first and the last of a forgotten blog, this matters too little. I have no idea why I've started to write this and what's gonna be in here, but maybe I am taking it too seriously. So I'll treat it as a summer love - not meant to have a meaning or to create strong ties, but to bring in some nice moments of leisure. I am not gonna try too hard to write something meaningful. I will let the meaning come by itself, just like the beauty coming to meet the eye of the beholder.

Good night.

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